I’m Done Talking About My Narcissist

Gretchen Upshaw
6 min readOct 17, 2021

Don’t give your narcissist anymore of your energy

I can’t listen to myself talk about my narcissist anymore. I’m done. I don’t know how it happened or what the final fixer was that pushed me into the land of moving on, but I woke up and knew I had purged the psychopath’s filth for good.

By Ekkapan Poddamrong

Spells and Incantations

Desperate times call for desperate witchcraft. Before I planned my escape, I was already summoning all sorts of help from beyond. Fear had pushed me into a place of “I’ll do anything, please help me.”

I had my suspicions of his lies and deception for a couple of years, and I began to gather proof. But proof doesn’t matter when you’re with a narcissist. Lying is second, no first nature for a narcissist. I could narrate his words on a page written by him, and I would be “making things up.” Their ability to not feel is unbelievable. So, confronting them only makes you feel worse. Communication with a narcissist is pointless. Remember that.

My situation was complicated. Together for six years, we owned a home/farm together; he was my boss, I had a “stepdaughter” that I love dearly, and a ton of animals to move with me. This wasn’t just a pack your bag and later the bro-show kind of exit. This was planning, strategizing, and careful execution. I needed…



Gretchen Upshaw

I like the word “alchemy.” Hildegard of Bingen was a bad ass. I would like to see more purple in the U.S.