Vegans, Walk the Line

Gretchen Upshaw
12 min readDec 6, 2019
Photo by author

Stability and balance is not an absence of chaos. It is the ability to walk the line between chaos and order with an open mind and heart ~ Gordana Biernat

When you’re passionate about something, it’s sometimes hard to see the complete picture. It’s also tough to not sound like a wackadoo asshole when you get challenged. With that in mind, the intention behind this article is to explore compassion and tolerance, not to ruthlessly point out hypocrisies or pass judgment. Who wants to be a boring elitist? And like my daddy always said, “nobody likes a know-it-all.”

The Big Bopper Whopper

Photo by wild pixel for iStock

When Burger King announced they were offering the Impossible Burger, I cringed. I think it’s fantastic that there are non-meat options for folks who are trying to cut back but still want to eat fast food; however, I was cautiously curious about the vegan angle they may try to address. I don’t patronize fast-food restaurants for a few reasons, but as a vegan, I wondered if:

  1. They were going to start offering vegan cheese and condiments
  2. They were going to designate a grill specifically for the Impossible Burger



Gretchen Upshaw

I like the word “alchemy.” Hildegard of Bingen was a bad ass. I would like to see more purple in the U.S.