What is Mabon?

Gretchen Upshaw
5 min readSep 22, 2021

How to Impress the Pagans and Ren Faire Lovers in Your Life

By Murzina Elena Sergeevna

The Autumn Equinox may not mean anything unless you’re a farmer, pagan, or newly self-identified witch. So, allow me to introduce you to the time of year that is not just pumpkin spice everything and fall-themed craft brews. It is the perfect day to bring your life into harmony with all that brings you goodness.

During the Autumn Equinox, day and night are balanced. Equinox is from the Latin word aequus, which means “equal,” and “nox” means night. So today, the 22nd of September 2021, our night and day are equal in length. It’s like magick, or science.

If you are of the witchy sort, this isn’t just about 12 & 12, the Autumn Equinox is a Witch’s Thanksgiving, also known as Mabon. It is a day to give thanks for what the year has shown us, the blessings we have (even the ones in disguise), and celebrate the turning of the Wheel of the Year.

The first story I published on Medium, Season of the Witch, was my way of quietly tiptoeing out of the broom closet. And over the past two years, my life has changed dramatically. Today, I will give a shit ton of thanks to the gods and goddesses for encouraging me to let my lady balls drop, do an about-face, and head towards a much brighter and happier future.



Gretchen Upshaw

I like the word “alchemy.” Hildegard of Bingen was a bad ass. I would like to see more purple in the U.S.